Tuesday, August 24, 2010


            This research study would not have been possible without the assistance and encouragements of some people. The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following persons.

          First and foremost, our Divine Creator; who, without His gift of knowledge to the researchers, everything would be impossible.
Secondly, their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Himelo, Mr. & Mrs. Ocampo and Mr. & Mrs. Martinez for their love, support, financial assistance, prayers, encouragements and guidance in the continuance of their research study. 

Mrs. Estrellita M. de Vera, Principal III, for her support and approval of the researchers' needs and requirements in pursuing this study.

Also, the researchers' adviser, Ms. Jennylou A. Pangilinan for sharing her knowledge about websites and video blogs.

The persons whom the researchers have interviewed to get and share more reliable information.

The members of IV-Nitrogen and IV-Oxygen family who encouraged and helped the researchers a lot through the ups and downs of their study.

The researchers' friends and classmates in research for their never-ending love and support to the researchers and also to their other friends who comforted  them in times of problems.

And for those who were not mentioned but did have a great part in this research study, thank you very much.

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